
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, 2017

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Design of Bolted Connections

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Design of Bolted Connections  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnur76WdxM0 This session covers the following: -Basic knowledge of bolted connections -Bolts' pretension -Contacts definition -Multi-zone and mapped face meshing Assembly and working loads steps -Contact tools -Discussion on results.   Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg.  

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plasticity Analysis-English Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plasticity Analysis-English Version  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oShBSiIVi8Q In this session, the plasticity of a cantilever structural steel beam, exposed to high concentrated load, is studied and validated to basic knowledge related to material plastic behavior. The session focuses on the following: Theoretical background Imprint faces Time steps Loading and unloading Charts Spring back Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contac...

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plasticity analysis-Arabic Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plasticity analysis-Arabic Version  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPaccjQCeQQ In this session, the plasticity of a cantilever structural steel beam, exposed to high concentrated load, is studied and validated to basic knowledge related to material plastic behavior. The session focuses on the following: Theoretical background Imprint faces Time steps Loading and unloading Charts Spring back   Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free...

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Elastic Behavior of Simply Supported Beam-English Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Elastic Behavior of Simply Supported Beam-English Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O3vnAh60V0 In this session, a simply supported structural steel beam, exposed to uniform distributed load, is studied and validated with analytical methods. The session focuses on the following: Analytical study Split face Applying distributed loads Convergence Construction geometries Charts Validation Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tu...

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Elastic Behavior of Simply Supported Beam-Arabic Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Elastic Behavior of Simply Supported Beam-Arabic Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0K9-SyEMEg In this session, a simply supported structural steel beam, exposed to uniform distributed load, is studied and validated with analytical methods. The session focuses on the following: Analytical study Split face Applying distributed loads Convergence Construction geometries Charts Validation Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session.

Working professionally with CAD projects

مفيش Design هتتعرضله الا وغالبا هيبقى متكون من اكتر من part . كل Part هيبقى ليه وظيفة بيقوم بيها وليه علاقة معينة مع part تاني او أكتر...في البوست ده عايزين نحط منهجية تفكير واضحة للتعامل مع ال projects أو ال construction الكامل...وهنختصر الموضوع ده في 5 نقاط: 1-لازم تفهم ال project ده اساسا هدفه ايه؟..أو بمعنى تاني ايه ال function الى بيقوم بيها؟ وغالبا بيبقى الجواب باين من عنوانه..مثال..مشروع اسمه Non-return valve ..تقدر من اسمه كده تفهم انه صمام مطلوب منه يسمح بمرور ال flow في اتجاه واحد فقط..ولو حصل لأي سبب واتعكس الاتجاه ده يقفل ويمنع المرور..مثال تاني..مشروع اسمه Pipe Vice تقدر من اسمه تفهم انه منجلة هدفها تثبيت المواسير اثناء عملية الثقب مثلا..وهكذا 2-لازم تعرف دور كل part في اداء   ال function الكلية ايه؟..نرجع للمثال الاول بتاع الصمام..ال body وظيفته انه يحوي بقية الاجزاء ويوفر ليهم اماكن لتركيبهم..وانه يربط ما بين وصلتين المواسير الى الصمام هيبقى راكب عليهم..و قلب الصمام هيبقى وظيفته انه يفتح ويقفل الصمام وقت اللزوم..والغطا وظيفته انه يقفل الف...

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plate with hole-English version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Plate with hole-English version  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebrxqQw_JA8 This tutorial studies a plate with a hole that is simply fixed on one side and loaded on the other. The plate is modeled using solid quad elements. Other fixation method called 3-2-1 is used. Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. Note: All sessions' content is presented in English.

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Parametric Study on a Cantilever-English Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Parametric Study on a Cantilever-English Version   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFgsU8vLmZE This tutorial covers the following: Analytical study of the cantilever Validation of FE results Parametric design study Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. Note: All sessions' content is presented in English.

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Parametric Study on a Cantilever-Arabic Version

Ansys Static Analysis Tutorials-Parametric Study on a Cantilever-Arabic Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SLYIxwlG0k This tutorial covers the following: Analytical study of the cantilever Validation of FE results Parametric design study Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. Note: All sessions' content is presented in Arabic.

Ansys Tutorials-Static Analysis-Plate with hole-Shell Elements

Ansys Tutorials-Static Analysis-Plate with hole-Shell Elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac4I3ZYV-uE Working on the same tutorial of previous session, but using shell elements. Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. This session is in Arabic

Ansys Tutorials-Static Analysis-Plate with hole-Solid Elements

Ansys Tutorials-Static Analysis-Plate with hole-Solid Elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TnvE0ld33U    This tutorial studies a plate with a hole that is simply fixed on one side and loaded on the other. The plate is modeled using solid quad elements. Other fixation method called 3-2-1 is used. Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. This session is in Arabic.

شرح لفكرة ال2D-sketching من قناة Design Online Group

في البوست الى فات اتكلمنا عن المراحل الثلاثة لل part modeling والبوست ده هنتكلم عن اول مرحلة تنفيذية وهي ال 2D sketching وهنلخص الموضوع في 3 نقاط: 1-لازم تبدأ بالمحاور أو ال coordinates . ليه؟ عشان احنا هدفنا الرئيسي من مرحلة ال 2D sketching هي اننا نرسم closed profile . واي item في البروفايل ده لازم تنسبه ل Datum يا اما من خلال ال Dimensions أو من خلال ال Constrains المهم انك لازم تنسب ال Item ده لأي Datum باي شكل. وبالمناسبة معظم برامج ال CAD بتقدم نوعين من ال Datums . واحد اسمه Construction و التاني اسمه Centerline . اما النوع الاول فهو ال default . مجرد انك بتنبه البرنامج ان ال line   ده مجرد datum فمتحسبهوش من ضمن ال profile بتاعي. واما النوع التاني فبيستخدم في حالة ال Revolve وبكده البرنامج بيخلى ال dimensions كلها اقطار لأنه عارف ان ده الانسب في حالة ال Revolve . 2-لازم تجيد استخدام ال Constrains .ازاي؟ لو انت عايز تخلي خط مماس لدائرة، طبعا هتستخدم امر Tangent . بس ده مش كافي..ليه؟..عشان ال Tangent هنا ممكن يتحقق بأحد 3 احتمالات. أولا ان...

Ansys Tutorials-Static Analysis-Truss-Ansys Workbench

FE-Static Analysis Tutorial-Truss-Ansys Workbench https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQKlVarYoAY This is a 1D element static analysis tutorial. A simple truss consists of two links and three nodes is solved using Ansys Workbench. Kindly note the followings: 1-All concepts covered through this course are code-independent, however, the tutor has chosen ANSYS software just for application. 2-Each topic in the course is treated as a building block. 3-The average duration for each session is about 20 minutes. They are kept short for audience’s convenience. 4-The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. Please try to apply the tutorial by yourself after watching each session. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the tutor: amr.ahmed@eng.asu.edu.eg. Note: All sessions' content is presented in Arabic. تنبيه: جميع ما تقدمه هذه القناة من محتويات هي باللغة العربية